Sunday, January 22, 2012

My new home, kind of.

On January 4th I packed up my Nissan Altima with clothes, shoes, and other necessities and made a 14 hour drive from Alabama to DC, which will be home to me for 4 months. I got an internship on Capitol Hill with a Congressman. The following Monday was my first day of my internship. I was nervous and excited, but mainly nervous. Thank gosh my family and I mapped out the metro route I would be taking every day or that would have been TERRIFYING. So I drove to the East Falls Church metro station, got on the metro, and 14 stops and about 40 minutes later I was at the Capitol.. with 30 minutes to spare. (Never give yourself that much time on your first day, waiting for the minutes to pass feels like hours.) So I sat on a bench and called my mom outside of this building:

Yeah, not intimidating at all right? WRONG. I go inside the front entrance and of course I have to go through security. Straight ahead of me is an elevator that says "For Members Only" but since I don't know any other way to go, nor do I want to meander through this building, so I take the elevator. Thankfully I find out later that that sign is only applicable when Congress is in session so they can make it to the House floor in time without nobodies like me interfering with their elevator ride. After getting in the office, and take a tour, and meet all the staff, and a week has passed, things are going good! I have learned so much already... like how it's much quicker to take the back entrance of the building above, not the one with the columns. And how parking at the East Falls Church metro is terrible, and after not finding parking many mornings, that Ballston metro stop is a much better option. And of course how Congress works! Things are looking good for me in DC!

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