Sunday, January 29, 2012

My new addiction.

So this post might be a little off topic, but hey, I'm the one writing so I can do what I want right?! :) Ever since I can remember I've loved reading, or should I say casual reading. Reading in college wasn't as enjoyable, because the professors were choosing what we had to read. So about two months ago (after college reading was over) I started reading this book:

& to begin with, I loved it. Jodi Picoult is my all time favorite author. A boy in high-school has Asperger's syndrome and is accused of murdering his tutor. Sounds good right? I thought so too, until about 600 pages later it ended. The last 100 pages or so I was miserably bored as the author writes about the trial. She basically repeats what we had already read but in speaking form during the trial. Anyways, once it ended I felt like I had wasted two months of my life. The day it ended, I started reading a book that has literally become my new addiction. I'm sure everyone has heard about it, because it's been out forever... I'm a little late on this one:

Um, can I express my seriousness when I say how amazing this book is. I have not put it down since I started yesterday and if I wasn't babysitting all weekend, I would be done with it. The reason why I say it's an addiction is because it is! If I'm not reading it, I'm thinking about it. Thank gosh there are two more after this book, because I'm not sure what I would do if I finished reading it and had nothing else as good to read. Obviously, I will be done with the book in a couple days. When the movie comes out on March 23rd I will be beyond ready to see it. The Hunger Games has definitely lifted my spirits after House Rules was a flop. Jodi Picoult can't keep letting me down, though. Some of her books (17 minutes, Plain Truth, & The Pact) have been my all time favorites. Maybe the next one I read of hers will keep up with my standards ;) Until then, I will be preoccupied with Suzanne Collins.

Okay, so I guess that is enough ranting and raving about books for now... Must. keep. reading.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just another day in the office...

Sometime last week, I can't remember the exact day so let's go with Tuesday, I went on a tour of the Dome of the Capitol. The tour isn't exactly open to the general public, because you have to attend with a Congressman or Chief of Staff... lucky me! I had no idea what to expect, but this tour exceeded any expectations I did create in my mind. Many people have seen pictures of the dome of the Capitol, but very few have been inside it. Let's just say I didn't know I was afraid of heights until this day. I had been on the floor of the Rotunda (which is the room where you are standing at the bottom of the dome) but never on the top looking down (which I don't recommend for those afraid of heights-18 stories is a long way to fall). Here's a picture taken from my cell phone looking down from the dome to the floor of the Rotunda:

After what felt like a million steps, we made it to the top of the dome which was amazing. Looking down from over the rail wasn't quite the same effect, but being that close to the top of an 18 story, 9 million pound piece of architecture is pretty cool to say the least. Once you get to the top you get to see the 4,500 square foot painting called The Apotheosis of George Washington. Here it is:

And like always the picture does it no justice. After seeing the artwork on the top of the dome, you climb more steps and head outside to the 2nd highest building in DC, behind the Washington monument. The balcony of the top of the Dome circles around the entire building, allowing you to see all of the DC area in one place. Here's the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.

Oh, and who could forget the Occupy Congress protestors who stood outside of the Capitol in freezing cold, windy weather and even entered the building to "occupy Congress." Sorry for the crappy quality, it was taken from 18 stories high (I'm aware I keep repeating how many stories high I was, but it adds dramatic effect, and makes it seem so much cooler) from an old beat up Blackberry. Also, notice the Capitol police perfectly lined across the entrance of the building.

Needless to say, my legs were flubber for two days following this event. This is one of the neatest experiences I have had so far. Being at the top and outside of such a prestigious and recognizable building was humbling. That may sound cheesy, but it's an experience I'll never forget...especially now since I'm writing about it in my blog and posting it on the internet. 

Goodnight from the nation's capitol! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My new home, kind of.

On January 4th I packed up my Nissan Altima with clothes, shoes, and other necessities and made a 14 hour drive from Alabama to DC, which will be home to me for 4 months. I got an internship on Capitol Hill with a Congressman. The following Monday was my first day of my internship. I was nervous and excited, but mainly nervous. Thank gosh my family and I mapped out the metro route I would be taking every day or that would have been TERRIFYING. So I drove to the East Falls Church metro station, got on the metro, and 14 stops and about 40 minutes later I was at the Capitol.. with 30 minutes to spare. (Never give yourself that much time on your first day, waiting for the minutes to pass feels like hours.) So I sat on a bench and called my mom outside of this building:

Yeah, not intimidating at all right? WRONG. I go inside the front entrance and of course I have to go through security. Straight ahead of me is an elevator that says "For Members Only" but since I don't know any other way to go, nor do I want to meander through this building, so I take the elevator. Thankfully I find out later that that sign is only applicable when Congress is in session so they can make it to the House floor in time without nobodies like me interfering with their elevator ride. After getting in the office, and take a tour, and meet all the staff, and a week has passed, things are going good! I have learned so much already... like how it's much quicker to take the back entrance of the building above, not the one with the columns. And how parking at the East Falls Church metro is terrible, and after not finding parking many mornings, that Ballston metro stop is a much better option. And of course how Congress works! Things are looking good for me in DC!